Monday, August 18, 2008

I apologize to everyone whose been waiting for the next part, I didn't realize people read this

Chapter 8

The city was in state of confusion and disbelief when the news arrived. The
whites would arrive in less then a day and no one knew what would happen. Should they try and keep the city because they still out numbered the whites? Or should they let them in and hope they were only after the gold. Xoctol’s mind was set for a resistance. He was confident that the Jaguar warriors could hold their own against the whites, especially because they weren’t in an open battle. But he stood alone. Neither his father nor his sister agreed with him. They, like the emperor, were still awed by the destruction of the main body of troops. The emperor decided to act benevolently, at least until the strength of the whites was known. Xoctol sighed dolefully. He knew how truculent the whites were, and they wanted gold, glory, and blood. Letting them into the city would only bring destruction to the Aztecs.

Xoctol remained calm though, he had began to understand the whites and their
strategy in war. He began secretly trying to obtain metals to make their weapons. He also started to meet with his friends to begin a resistance group in case things went wrong.

By now, the whites had been at the city for three days, and things had started to go
wrong. They had set up in the emperor’s palace, which was the sturdiest place around and it had walls. The emperor had treated them graciously and given them provisions and gold, but that was only feeding wood to the flame. The whites had also began relations kindly, but they soon started to search ravenously after gold. Word was coming from all different parts of the city of dead bodies found in gold-stripped houses. And tempers had begun to flare between the Jaguar warriors and the whites. They were under the emperor’s command not to fight but they were becoming restless. The emperor had tried to calm the whites with more presents but they were just becoming crazed with greed.

The persecution continued but Xoctol tried to keep his mind off of it. His family
wasn’t rich and he was confident they would be one of the last ones to be robbed.
But one thing he really disliked was that he and Ahexotl had to take turns watching
Omecihuatl at the gold smithy to keep her safe. His father had continued to work in the gold smithy but he had given Xoctol time off. Few people were having anything made of gold because of the white’s greedy ways, and so his father and he switched on and off working in the shop alone or sometimes with Omecihuatl. They didn’t have much to do but Xoctol had thought of ways to use his time when it was his turn at the shop. The coming of the whites was a problem that needed to be solved. But so far it looked as though they would be able to survive the crisis.

Chapter 9

It had been a two week since the white’s arrival. Ahexotl was going to work in the shop that day, and it was his turn to watch Omecihuatl, so Xoctol was free to do
whatever he wanted.

Xoctol decided he should call a meeting with his resistance group. Most of them had tried to get in the army but were denied because of status, so they took the name the “Denied.” Xoctol counted five sets of one hand in the Denied. They had furtively been trying to hinder the whites in every way. But they needed to be very insidious. If they were caught they would be instantly killed. They weren’t professional soldiers and knew nothing of fighting. But Xoctol had been trying to change that. He had gotten one of the Jaguar warriors to begin to train them. The Jaguar warriors were also restless and would help in some ways though they doubted Xoctol’s resistance group could accomplish much. Xoctol watched the training with a determined eye, thinking about more ways they could hurt the notorious whites without being wiped out. After the training session Xoctol relayed his thoughts. They were discussed but nothing was decided. They made plans to meet again later then they broke up going one at a time to not cause a distraction. Xoctol headed off down the street through the brindled dark. The only sound on this becalmed night was his footsteps on the pavement. Everything had been going perfectly according to Xoctol’s plan. His soldiers had begun their training, and his creations at the shop were almost finished. He reached the door to his house and stepped inside, his father
Ahexotl would not yet be asleep so he yelled. But the only reply was his echo. He
frowned but shrugged it off and went up to his room for some sleep.

1 comment:

Jena Isle said...

That was an exciting narration. Tempo building...can't wait for the next chapter...keep them coming...and thanks for sharing.

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